Three ways to sign
To sign, you must be registered to vote in San Francisco.
1. Print at home
San Francisco’s process hasn’t exactly entered the 21st century, so there is no online signature option. This is as close as we can get.
The petition MUST be printed at 100% size on standard US letter paper, and all enclosed instructions must be followed, or City Hall may not count your signature.
Also note that if you do not have a printer, the library offers $2 daily in free printing to anyone with a library card.
2. Attend an in-person event
View the full calendar and RSVP on Luma. You can also post on our subreddit or reach out to us to suggest additional locations or events.
3. Request a copy of the petition by mail
If you do not have access to a printer, fill out this form to request a copy by mail.
We will enclose a return envelope; all you need is a pen.